女子日本代表 ウルリック監督
Dear Handball fans in Japan.
It is a great pleasure for me and the Japan Women’s National Team to show top handball in Tokyo for our fans. We are always looking forward to playing this annual match against our good friends and competitors from Korea.
We are in a development period where we are currently working hard to prepare for the World Championship in Germany in December 2017.
Therefore, this training camp and Annual National Match is an important battle for our team, and matches as this are worth the value of our young, inexperienced team.
I want to welcome the teams and fans from Korea and hope that spectators and fans get a really good match. Please come to the venue and join us in the battle.
Japan Women’s National Team
Head Coach
Ulrik Kirkely
日本女子代表監督 ウルリック・キルケリー